This post was last updated on June 26, 2024
There are a million different keepsakes to remember our babies. I love supporting small businesses and having something unique and custom. Below is a list of keepsakes we purchased or looked into after we lost our daughter.
This post is not sponsored by these shops or companies in any way. All photos are of my own or with the permission of the Etsy shop owner.
Etsy Shops
VitrifiedStudio Custom Clay Urn - I knew from the moment we wanted to bring her ashes home that I would want them in something special. This Etsy seller did an absolutely fantastic job on the custom pottery urn (which included sealant and instructions).

EveAmara Custom Engraved Jewelry - Hua has dedicated her Etsy shop in honor of the child she lost due to PPROM, Amara, and to further awareness of pregnancy and infant loss. I ordered an affordable baby footprint necklace and it turned out amazing (not to mention the shipping was lightning-fast!). I've worn my necklace every single day since it arrived and I never plan to take it off.

Mayfaire Fiber Art Commissioned Flower Embroidery - Morgan and her family are very dear to us. We commissioned an embroidery piece with a purple chrysanthemum on it (Gemma's birth flower). If you would like to order something similar you can message Morgan on Etsy and inquire about commissioned embroidery. Feel free to mention Gemma's chrysanthemum as the inspiration, that way she'll understand what you're going through.

AandWEngraving Garden Stone - A sweet friend helped us reconstruct our landscaping and garden beds six months after Gemma died and she surprised us with this gorgeous garden stone. It is a beautiful piece that we can take with us wherever we may live.

Hannah'sSnowflakes Baby Commemorative Keepsake Frame - My precious small group from church ordered one of these for me. It was the first item we received that had Gemma's name on it, and it has been hung in the nursery ever since. It is an intricate paper cutout with her name and details against a beautiful waterocolor background. One day when we have family photos on a wall we will include this on there. This Etsy seller only accepts custom orders.

SweetJulianArt Angel Book (Amazon listing for single book) - "This journal is meant to help mothers who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal demise. The book contains phrases and prompts that highlight the baby’s imprint on the mother’s life and provides uplifting quotes from the baby loss community. It allows the mother to commemorate and honor the brief life of her baby in a meaningful way that will also help heal and inspire her grieving heart."

EdiDesignCollection Funeral Keepsake Bookmarks - We purchased this bookmark design template instead of ordering pamphlets or bulletins for Gemma's memorial service. We wanted something unique that also served a purpose. These bookmarks would be something grandparents could keep in their bibles and friends could pin to their prayer folders. The footprints were exactly the same length as her real footprints, which was something we were adamant about having because it showed her tiny size without having a photo of her with tubes and wires. The backside (not pictured) we included Bible verses that spoke about the blessings of children. We had a local Fedex shop print and cut them for us (I had my husband do most of this task, which helped) and it was very affordable. We placed them in a little glass dish next to the guest book as people walked in to the service.

If you have a keepsake from an Etsy shop that you absolutely love, feel free to reach out to me on the Contact page with a link to the item on Etsy and a photo of the item that you received and I would be happy to include it on this list!
Breastmilk & Ashes Jewelry
Some are DIY kits some are not
Eterneva - diamond jewelry created from the ashes of your loved one. 2 Tbsp - 1/2 cup are needed. Even ashes from a family pet are possible.
Teddy Bears & Comfort Plushes
Barrett's Bears - Comforting grieving families who have experienced the loss of a baby with teddy bears and custom tshirts for the bears
Molly Bears @mollybearsorg – Custom weighted teddy bears to commemorate your little one
Weighted Angels @weightedangels - Provides weighted, stuffed animals to families experiencing pregnancy and neonatal loss
The Birth Pillow - A custom to-size pillow in shape of baby with name and birth details printed on the back
Other Products & Organizations
Saylor’s Story @saylorsstory – Beautiful comfort bags to support mamas who have recently lost a child
Rylen James Boutique @shoprylenjames – Simple, sustainable and sentimental jewelry and more created by a loss Mama representing strength & everlasting love for your baby
Hope Again Collective @hopeagaincollective – Hope-filled jewelry that gives back to miscarriage and stillbirth moms
Mother of Wilde @motherofwilde - A loss mother supporting other loss families by creating hope-filled birth prints and memorials
Alexandra & Wells @alexandraandwells - Branded apparel and jewelry with some including the trademarked wording “Loved By An Angel”
Sage & Sara Candle Co. @sageandsara - Creates memorial candles made to honor your baby and gives back to other organizations supporting pregnancy and infant loss. These candles are handcrafted, personalized and completely custom
Harmony Design Shop @harmonydesignshop – Artist creating custom memorial art & family portraits
Prairie Ross Drawing @prairierosedrawing – Supporting mamas through loss and infertility with loss mama stickers and prints
A Missing Stitch @a.missing.stitch – A Loss mom who creates crocheted hats and sweet stuffies
Hugs Through Addie’s Mugs Project @addiesmugs – Honoring bereaved moms through personalized cups, mugs & shirts
Hands in your Heart @hands_inyour_heart – Custom hand portraits “holding close the ones we love everyday, even if they aren’t physically here with us”
Vault + Terra @vaultandterra - Beautiful keepsakes inspired by babies in heaven and earth side
Rhettley’s Ribbons @rhettleysribbons – Hair bows supporting infant and pregnancy loss, made by a loss mom
Comfort Boxes for loss parents - Check out @merasmission, @rainbowsformakenna, and @cradlingmemories
The Cooper Project @thecooperproject141 - Personalized items to remind you of those you love most
A Touch of Teddy @atuouchofteddy - Provides teddy bear ornaments to families who have lost a child
Marianne Alyce @mariannealyce - Marianne lost her sweet baby girl and has a shop on Etsy at SunyDaisy that makes remembrance clothing, stickers, candles & more to honor and remember your precious baby.
Hope Mommies @hopemommies - Provides religious comfort boxes to bereaved mothers and families who have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss.
Lily of the Valley Catholic Ministry @lotvministry - Creates prayer care packages for families struggling with infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, prenatal diagnosis and infant loss.